{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf2761 \cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f2\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT; } {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww11520\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sa266\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs32 \cf0 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 President Jim Ryan: The grace and strength of your class has carried us through times of both joy and sorrow, and I hope you\'92ll remember, especially after today, that there is joy to be found even in the rain. \f1 \ \f0 [Music] \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Count down \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Minutes to the weekend \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Hair done, new shoes, new feels \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 I wanna be free \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Get lost in your beat \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Drop all your bags and drive \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Turn on let\'92s come alive \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 We\'92re chasing stars tonight \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 Daniel Willingham, \f2\i \f0\i0 professor of psychology: One of the things that makes the University of Virginia so special is that learning is a treasured value. I\'92m confident that your experiences here have provided the foundation you need to continue learning for a lifetime. \f1 \ \f0 [Music] \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Just put your hand in mine \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Let\'92s run into the night \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Running from the daylight \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 Risa Goluboff, dean of the University of Virginia School of Law: What you do, how you use your talents and on whose behalf, how you use your voice \'96 all of that is up to you. None of you will do it the same way. And that is as it should be. \f1 \ \f0 [Music] \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 We keep running forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 We keep running forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Can this be forever? \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 We keep running forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 We keep running forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 \uc0\u9834 Forever \u9834 \f1 \ \f0 Robert Hardie, \f2\i \f0\i0 Rector of the University of Virginia: Remembering the purple shadows of the Lawn, the majesty of the colonnades, and the dream of your youth, you may say in reverence and thankfulness I have worn the honors of honor. I graduated from Virginia. \f1 \ }