Student 1: I'm about to graduate from the University of Virginia. I can't wait to walk the Lawn. Student 2: I'm definitely going to cry. Student 3: I can't even express it in words. Student 4: I definitely don't know what to expect. Student 5: We missed out on a graduation from high school. Student 6: Our graduation was on the TV at home, sat on my couch with my parents. Student 4: It was like a drive-through and it was just me and my family. Student 1: I really was looking forward to that kind of move in day. And the reality was, in my living room, with my computer plugged in. Student 7: Classes felt fake first year, almost, with zoom. Student 8: This wasn't the traditional college experience I expected. Student 9: We had to sneak into dorm rooms so we could eat dinner together. Student 10: All of the friends I made during that time have been really special to me because it was just us. Student 11: The second year when it was in person and, I just remember being like, this is what it's supposed to be. Student 6: I remember the first home football game. The entire stadium was a sea of orange, yelling “Hoos! Hoos! Hoos!” I was like, “This is home.” Student 1: The people that I've met, the things that I've learned, have been the true treasures. Student 2: It's been a great four years. Student 12: It just gets faster and faster. Student 13: You should cherish every day. Student 14: I'm really looking forward to walking the Lawn with them. Student 15: It's not 4 years, it's for life.